UBB.threads v8+ is compatible with PHP8.4. Schedule your upgrade today!

Requesting a Quote · Info

Please always remember to request an estimate on projects that will take more than an hour. For script issues of 3rd party applications, we'll need to see the product first hand to give a valid estimate. Half of payment is due up front (this price is agreed upon from an estimate). You can Request a Quote here.


All estimates are free of charge. We have a strict no refund policy. As we provide the work to you you can take and use it at any time; there is no guarantee that you will not use the work after a refund would be issued.


We accept PayPal, Money Order, and Cashiers Check; If sending a Personal Check we will not begin design until check has cleared. Due to large amounts of fraud associated with web design we do not accept direct credit card payments, however you can pay via PayPal with a Personal Check or Credit Card. Please see our How to Pay page for more information.

After Hours Support

After hours support is available by request and will cost more than the below prices. After hours support should be used in emergency cases only. These prices should be on the detail pages or are available via quote.

We deserve the right to choose not to do any project at any given time. If for some reason the coding hasn't been completed and it's decided between us and the customer not to complete the design we will provide any work to date on the project at an agreed upon rate.

Posted By Gremelin Posted on September 4, 2014
Request a Quote
Please feel free to Request a Quote at any time.

By requesting a quote you allow us to adjust pricing for your product on a per-project basis. Note that most of the prices on our pricing page are just our "common" pricing and can vary on a per project basis. It will also allow us to add any per project discounts where we see fit (non-profit organizations, affiliations, etc).

If your "type" of project isn't listed in our menu's to the left, please Request a Quote; we can do much more than what is listed however building pages for it all would take a great while.
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