Migrations & Backups
Site and Server Migration Services
Sometimes we all out-grow our present environments and need to re-locate to somewhere better to suit our needs; this is true in both real life and in the computer world. Our experts will backup your files and database as well as upload them and configure them to your new web hosting environment; thus saving you days of work in backing up files, uploads, and re-configuration.
We offer migration services for both server to server (includes moving files from old server to new server plus re-configuration of scripts to operate on the new server) and from hard media (CD/DVD/USB**) to Server (includes moving files from a media disc to new server plus re-configuration of scripts to operate on the new server).
Please indicate any files or databases that you would not like to have relocated before we begin backing up your site data. If CPanel is available on the source server, a backup of your file system and database will be generated through the backup utility.
We will need the following information in order to provide a migration:
• Authentication information from the source FTP Server (from your old host or CD/DVD Backup) and New FTP server.
• Authentication information and database names of any MySQL data to be moved over, as well as the new target database authentication information.
• Precise instructions on various config files present (for re-configuration on the new host).
• Access to a system control panel with access to PHPMyAdmin is extremely helpful as it will allow us to run commands directly with the MySQL servers.
• Access to the servers via SSH will generally trim the amount of time needed to create a backup and migrate it to the new host.
Note · Host Configuration
Please let us know if your site is already configured on the target server as configuring your hosting environment, Content Delivery Network (CDN), or tuning a new server will take additional time and will affect your quote.
A migration includes moving files and applicable databases from one location to another, and testing that the database connection is working with the server credentials supplied; server configuration is not included. Please ensure that your host is fully configured before a site migration; we are not responsible for ensuring that your servers are functioning properly, this is something that your host should be in charge of.
Backup Services
We will keep a remote backup of your server in case of emergency, or we can configure your server to backup critical files or databases on a set schedule. Additionally, we can backup your server to removable media (such as a 650MB CD-R or 4.7GB DVD+R***).
* The length of time will vary based on how much data needs to be migrated, and based on the tools available (having access to SSH and PHPMyAdmin on the server will greatly trim the amount of time needed to migrate data).
** It is recommended that you mail a non-critical disk; if you wish your disk returned we will require return shipping charges at your expense.
*** Each additional CD (650mb) is $5, each additional DVD is $10.
Posted on September 3, 2014 · Updated on May 3, 2019