UBB.threads v8+ is compatible with PHP8.4. Schedule your upgrade today!

Free Scripts & Addons

These "Free Scripts" are not a part of the base UBB.threads coding, but are instead our gift to the UBB.threads world.
UBB.Google Adsense Search
This addon allows your users to search Google and have the results display inline on your forum.
UBB.Headerless Custom Islands
This template hack allows you to display a CustomIsland on a template with no header displayed (useful for Ad's, etc).
UBB.threads System Requirements Test
A System Requirements Test for UBB.threads v7.
A PHP Wrapper script designed to allow you to call 3rd party pages into your UBB.Threads (Ultimate Bulletin Board) install.

Premium Scripts & Addons

These "Premium Scripts" are not a part of the base UBB.threads coding, and as maintenance of these scripts takes signifigant time we charge simply for the base script and any future updates you would like to install. As we are 3rd party developers, this is the only place these scripts are available.
A simple contact system that integrates into your UBB.threads (Ultimate Bulletin Board) install.
A sitemap script for the UBB.threads (Ultimate Bulletin Board) Gallery system.
A sitemap script for UBB.threads (Ultimate Bulletin Board) Member Data.
A sitemap script for UBB.threads (Ultimate Bulletin Board) Forum Data.
UBB.Staff Listing
Generates a page that displays of all of your Administrators, Global Moderators, and Moderators and the forums that they moderate, so that users can easily click to see who's available to help within your community.
UBB.threads Attachment Overview
Provides an overview of the disk utilization of UBB.threads attachments. An alerted will show if a file cannot be found on either the database or filesystem checks.
UBB.threads Bounced EMail Processor
A bounced email processing script for UBB.threads (Ultimate Bulletin Board).
UBB.threads Like System
A Like/Karma system for UBB.threads (Ultimate Bulletin Board).
UBB.threads Links
Generates categorical listing of links, such as that of a web portal.
UBB.threads Pages
A Content Management/Page Creation system for UBB.threads.
UBB.threads Reviews
Generates categorical listing of reviews, such as that of a web portal.
UBB.threads Spammer Index
Provides an overview of user homepage and signature data.
UBB.threads Statistics
A statistics script for UBB.threads (Ultimate Bulletin Board).
[7.7.2+] UBB.threads SHA1 Hash Generation Tool
Tool to add an SHA1 hash of all existing UBB.threads attachments to the SHA1 table cell added in UBB.threads v7.7.2.

UBB.threads v7 Modifications, Scripts, and Addons

The version nubmer listed is the first version the script is compatable with (tested on); the script should be compatable with newer releases after the displayed version (unless another entry has been provided with a new version). Example: [7.x] Should be compatable with everything within UBB.threads7, whereas [7.3] would signify version 7.3 and onward.
[Pre-7.3] [Final] pJIRC Addon v0.5
Allows you to wrap the pJIRC IRC script into your forum.
[7.x] [Beta] Purge Welcome Messages
A standalone addon which was to aid users importing from previous products in deleting all welcome messages from the database.
[7.x] UBB.Post Templates v0.1
A code mode to allow you to predefine various templates for your users to use in posting to your forums.
[7.x] UBB.Nag Screens
Nags a group (such as Guests) with a custom island (such as please sign up today!)
[7.x] UBB.Frappr v0.1
Integrates your Frappr member map into your forums.
[7.x] UBB suhosin Check
This modification will report if your host has suhosin installed and will report if it has a value of under 2048.
[7.x] UBB Spoiler Tags
Added an option for users to post a spoiler on the forums where users had to click a button to reveal content (added to a later stock build of the UBB).
[7.x] Subforum Highlights
This quick modification will highlight your subforums, just like we have here at UBB.Dev.
[7.x] Stop Forum Spam Integration v0.5
This will allow you to check your users (via the Edit User function in the Control Panel), new signups (via the Registration Queue), and the registration page against the Stop Forum Spam database.
[7.x] Stop Forum Spam Integration v0.2
This will allow you to check your users (via the Edit User function in the Control Panel), new signups (via the Registration Queue), and the registration page against the Stop Forum Spam database.
[7.x] Gizmo's Embedding BBCode (Pre UBB.T7.3)
Code addin's for extended UBBCode options in UBB.Threads v7.
[7.x] AddThis - Social Networking
Creates a space for your AddThis Social Networking code.
[7.6.x] qwebirc Chat Wrapper
Allows you to wrap a qwebirc instance into your forum.
[7.5.7+] Stop Forum Spam - Login Detection
This will check users loading the login page against the Stop Forum Spam database.
[7.5+] UBB.threads Admin Modification Menu
The UBB.threads Admin Modification Menu adds a new Modifications admin/mod menu in the Control Panel to house any modifications that you have installed which utilize the Control Panel; basically giving you a dedicated spot for any adaptions fo
[7.3+] [Final] pJIRC Addon v0.5
Allows you to wrap the pJIRC IRC script into your forum.
[7.3+] Gizmo's Embedding BBCode (Compatibility)
A port of the Embedding BBCode to UBB.Threads CustomTag's editor added in v7.3.
[7.3+] Gizmo's CustomTags
Various tags for the Custom Tag editor added in v7.3.
[7.3+] Admin IP Information
A code hack to change the display of IP Addresses into a clickable link via DomainTools.com
[7.0-7.2.x] Admin IP Information
A code hack to change the display of IP Addresses into a clickable link via DomainTools.com
Pastebin Custom BBCode
A Custom BBCode for the Pastebin.com service.
We are limiting the list of modifications to the UBB.threads v7 series and we're only displaying mod's or extensive custom tag listings to conserve on several years worth of coding. Additionally, we will not be posting styles or templates, or code here which was created prior to 2007 as pre-2007 coding is significantly outdated.
Request a Quote
Please feel free to Request a Quote at any time.

By requesting a quote you allow us to adjust pricing for your product on a per-project basis. Note that most of the prices on our pricing page are just our "common" pricing and can vary on a per project basis. It will also allow us to add any per project discounts where we see fit (non-profit organizations, affiliations, etc).

If your "type" of project isn't listed in our menu's to the left, please Request a Quote; we can do much more than what is listed however building pages for it all would take a great while.
We utilize Shock Hosting, BlueHost, and StableHost for the hosting of our all of our Dedicated and Virtual Private Servers; they are the go to hosts that we recommend to every one of our clients, friends, and family. For more Web Hosting recommendations, please see our Recommended Hosts page!
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