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[7.3+] [Final] pJIRC Addon v0.5 · Script

• Valid UBB.Threads 7.0 install and license
• pjIRC (freely obtainable from SourceForge)

This will not work with UBB.T versions below 7.3, instead, see here.

This addon will allow you to integrate the freely available Java IRC client pJIRC.

Unlike other jIRC applets out there, this one is free, and open source. It has a large community built behind it, and has excelled in features compared to others for years.

I currently don't have a demo of this available on my test site (as I don't need it integrated into my forum) however you can see the pJIRC script itself in action here.

File History
2528 - Chat Addon v0.5 (chat73v05.zip) - Released: 05/12/2008 - Updated for 7.3 compatibility.

This script, by default, assumes you have pJIRC installed in a /irc directory under your forum install; you can override this directory in the configuration.

Future Plans
• I'm giving thought to a process of providing a smilies legend for the smiley support which will allow users to select smilies from the legend and have them populate into the chat box.
• I'm contemplating utilizing a pjirc.cfg file vs defining everything in the html.

It has come to my attention that some people are assuming that you must run your own server in order to utilize this modification. It is NOT a requirement to run your own IRC Server to run this addon; you can use any of the millions of irc servers online (a large list is available here) to connect to. Additionally I also operate an open irc server that anyone is welcome to use; by default this is the server in the configuration (irc.undergroundnews.com).

More Information: [Click Here] (External Link)

Donate Today

Where we provide this script freely to the community, we do ask that if you find it useful that you make a small donation to aid in development costs.


Posted By Gremelin Posted on October 8, 2016
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