UBB.threads v8+ is compatible with PHP8.4. Schedule your upgrade today!
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Developer Information · FAQ Entries

Do you work for · We are a 3rd party development studio, we don't work for any company, we instead have business relationships and work with hundreds of companies. UBB.threads We provide 3rd party User to User Support and 3rd party Development Services on the forum pr
I have a UBB.threads License Question · VNC Web Services is a contracted developer for UBB.threads; we have no say in any support or licensing issues, and any purchases must be done through UBBCentral. Where we offer private support, development, and upgrades; you may find these official l
Single Point of Contact · We've worked with many organizations over the years and if there is one thing we've learned is that things can really get confusing when there is no defined Point of Contact and we end up taking ideas up from numerous users. Where some users may find
What are your billing terms? · Our invoices are billed through PayPal, and are due on the invoice date (when the invoice is issued); we are independent contractors, and do not extend credit, and thus do not operate on a Net 10/15/30/60/etc. terms. Purchased licenses will NOT be pr
What formats do you prefer for media? · We would prefer high resolution versions of any logos or products in their native format (.jpg/.png); please do not submit any material in a PDF, or Slideshow of any kind as we'd need to attempt to extract any material which could end up with a non-h
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Request a Quote
Please feel free to Request a Quote at any time.

By requesting a quote you allow us to adjust pricing for your product on a per-project basis. Note that most of the prices on our pricing page are just our "common" pricing and can vary on a per project basis. It will also allow us to add any per project discounts where we see fit (non-profit organizations, affiliations, etc).

If your "type" of project isn't listed in our menu's to the left, please Request a Quote; we can do much more than what is listed however building pages for it all would take a great while.
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